Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Week 12 lagi

Drag and Drop Coordinates
Actionscript behind the circle:
if((this._x=*lowest value for x in the box*)&(this._x<=*the highest value for x)&(this._y=*lowest value for y in the box*)&(this._y<=*the highest value for y))
this._x=*the origin of x-default location*;

this._y= *the origin of y*;

Repeat it for Rectangle
Actionscript for Next button
on(release){ loadMovieNum("video.swf",0);}

Week 12

Drag and Drop--coordinates
To develop a drag and drop coordinates,, we should create the following steps:
1. The circle and rectangle on the left side are movie clip symbols while boyh rectangles on the right side are movie symbols. The Next is a button symbols.
2. Creating a movie symbol:
a.Create a movie symbol by clicking at Insert>New Symbol and select Movie clip
b. draw a rectangle in the first frame of movie clip
c. Add a keyframe in frame 2 by press F6 and add stop action script on the frame.
d. Add a keyframe in frame 2 by press F6 and add stop action script on the frame.
e. add also a red line as followings in frame 2 in movie clip timeline.
f. Go back to your (Scene 1)
3. Open library and drag place movie clip into stage (in response layer). Rename the instance as box1.
4. Drag place movie clip into the stage for the second time (in respond layer). Rename the instance as box2.
5. Create a movie clip symbol and draw a rectangle and name it as rec. Create another movie clip symbol and name it as circle.
6. drag both movie clips on the stage (in the same layer).
7. In layer 5, insert stop action script.
8. Click at circle symbol in circle layer and add the following action script.
9. Click at rectanglesymbol in circle layer and add the following action script.
10. for the Next button , also insert action script..

Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Week 11 lagi

Activity 4:One of Science topic,we have to try to animate the process of pollination agent (agen pendebungaan)
Antara langkahnya yang penting adalah: Untuk pergerakkan bee dan proses pollen germination, guna motion guide dan motion tween.Manakala, proses from flower change to fruit, guna application frame to frame. Dibawah adalah step yang telah dilakukan untuk Aktiviti Apps4
Task 1:Multiple choices questions
 Steps: • Layer 1 - name as question. • Choose text tool-static text and start typing the question • Insert new layer and name layer as button • Create button using oval tool and drag it on stage and choose appropriate color then resize the button • Choose text tool and Put 'A' on top of the button • Select whole button, click modify and convert it to symbol then name the button as btnA choose button type. • Same goes to others 3 button (btnB, btnC, btnD) , choose appropriate color and resize each button to get same size with btnA andConvert all the buttons to symbol and choose button type. • Insert new layer and name as response • Choose text tool-dynamic text and put response as it variable • Insert another layer and name it as action and put action script by right click and choose Actions. The action script: stop(); var respon; respon = " " • Since the my answer is A so right click and choose actions and type in the action script below: The action script: on (release) { respon = "Congrates, Your answer is correct!"; } • Do the same step for button B, C, and D, repeat the the actionscript and just edit the respon according what you want it to be.
  Task 2: Text Entry Question
 Steps: • Choose rectangle tool and fill it with color then drag on to the stage. After that select text tool and type Question topic (static text)then name layer as background • Insert new layer as question • Choose text tool (static text) type in the questions. • Then, select rectangle tool and create box on stage • Select text tool (input text) and preposition it • Select text tool again (dynamic text) for response • Insert new layer name as buttons (drag play button from library to the stage) • Insert new layer and name it as stop • Right click on first keyframe and choose actions. Type in the action script below. The action script: stop(); var answer; var respon; answer = " " respon = " " • Select button and right click and type in the action script below. The action script: on(release){ if (answer.toLowerCase()=="tun hussein onn"){respond ="Correct!"; }else{ respond = incorrect. Your answer "+answer + "is incorrect"; } } on(release){ if (answer.toLowerCase()=="tun hussein onn"){respond ="Correct!"; }else{ respond = incorrect. Your answer "+answer + "is incorrect"; } }
  Task 3: Main Menu
 Steps: • Layer 1- design the background, add three button, home, about and more button.• In the 'Home' button go to the properties and type in 'home' in the Instance name field • Repeat step 2 for the other two button change the instance name according to the button name. • Duplicate scene. Rename it from Scene 1 copy to Scene 2 • Now we have 2 Scene. • Select Scene 2 , Choose text tool and Type in the description • Do the same to the Scene 1. • To avoid it keep repeating non-stop. Hence, we insert action script at the button frame. Action script : stop (); • In Scene 2, insert new layer name as about go to properties and in the frame field, type 'about'. On the about layer, it shows the name of frame that we type in • In Scene 2, insert new layer name as stop and right click on the first frame and type action script 'stop ();'. • Scene 1, right click on the 'About' button and type in the action script. The action script: on (release) { gotoAndStop("Scene 2", 1); } • To link the 'Home' button, right click the 'Home' button type in the action script. The action script: on (release) { gotoAndStop("Scene 1", 1); }  • To activate button 'More' button on in Scene 1 and 2, right click the 'More' button and type in the action script. The action script: on (release) { getURL("http://www.adobe.com "); }
  Task 4:Drag and Drop
Steps: • At layer one draw oval image using oval tool. • Insert new layer, insert nose image click modify and convert it to symbol and name as nose and choose MOVIE CLIP type. • Repeat same step to cap, shirt, pant and hair • Since we want to drag the all image to the boy on the background, type in the action script below. The action script: on (press) { startDrag(this, true); } on (release) { stopDrag(); } • Repeat step for each image.

Week 11

Untu minggu nie we all perlu buat beberapa task yang menggunaan kembali keempat-empat teknik yang dah dipelajari last week. Activity 1: Each of us are required to develop a motion tween animation of pendulum. So the steps are : 1. draw a pendulum 2. convert to symbol, click graphic 3. at frame 10, insert keyframe 4. to make sure the pendulum swing nicely, click onion skin outlines. 5. use free transform tool to rotate the 2nd pendulum 6. Between frame 1 to 10 insert create motion tween
Activity 2: Each of us should upload a morphing animation of butterfly life cycle.. For this task what should I do are : 1. Import the image on stage 2. Click modify - Bitmap- Trace bitmap 3. At frame 15, insert keyframe; 4. Again Import the image on stage then click modify - Bitmap- Trace bitmap 5. Between frame 1 to 15 Change tween to shape
Activity 3: By implementing frame-by-frame skill we have, sketch a cartoon and animate it.. Antara langkah nya untuk menghasilkan animated cartoon Powerfuff Girl ni ialah: 1. Import the images on stage 2.Convert the images to movie clip

Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Week 10 lagi

Kuliah ari nie memang best. Kali nie semua ipad diinstallkan dengan Apps 3. Dalam Apps 3 diberi pendedahan tentang Creating Animation. We all dpt tahu tentang jenis simbol dan animation.Yang menariknya untuk task this week we have to create animated bouncing ball.So dlm Apps 3 ada diajar tentang motion tweening. Ikut je step by step memang dapat buat. Hehehe..ada lagi, we should use shape tweening untuk activity change a text form into a star shape. Dengan kata lain change the text to object. Activity 3 pula, kena use motion guide technique to guide the ant move along the tunnel. Agak rumit jugak, maklumlah saya budak baru belajo..dan activity ke 4 , we all kena try animate cartoon's mouth by applying frame-by-frame. Semua technique ni ada ditunjukkan dalam Apps 3. Dengan penuh iltizam dan semangat waja aku menyelesaikan tugasan yg diberikan dalam masa 2 jam lebih. Alhamdulillah...
Langkah-langkah membuat Bounching Ball:
1. Click oval draw circle
2. Convert to symbol
3. Right click frame 10 then insert keyframe
4. At frame 10 , change the position of ball
5. Between frame 1 to 10, click motion tween
Text to Object 1. Type text 2. Click modify, choose break apart 3. Again click modify , choose break apart 4. Click frame 25, insert keyframe 5. Delete text and draw a shape 6. click any frame between 1 to 25, 7. At properties bar, change tween to shape
Guide Motion 1. Create new layer 2. Insert the ant image 3. Add tweening motion 4. Add guide motion
Frame by Frame 1. Layer 1 draw a cat 2. Layer 2, Draw a mouth and animate by applying frame by frame

Tuesday, 27 November 2012

week 10

Hari nie hujan lebat.. tp kugagahi juga untuk ke kelas authoring. Semangat aku luar biasa sikit untuk kelas nie. Sebabnya setiap kali kelas, ada sahaja perkara baru yang dpt aku pelajari.. Kali nie, we all diberi WACOM graphic tablet.
Pada mulanya aku berasa sangat kekok dan agak sukar . Aku perlu melihat skrin dan dlm masa yang sama perlu tracing gmbar yang kuletak di atas graphic tablet. Aduh! Memang susah.. Lain yang aku tracing lain pula hasilnya di screen.
Tetapi bila dah lama membiasakan diri denga stylus  iaitu pen yang digunakan untuk melukis di atas graphic tablet, aku dan kawan-kawan sekelas mula leka dan asyik.  Untuk tugasan hari ini, Dr nak we all melukis x kisah lah tracing ke atau free sketching or drawing. Em.. aku terus melukis walaupun hasilnya nampak berbeza , kerana bagi aku, to make it perfect kita perlu byakkan latihan..so lepas nie graphic tablet akan jd temanku selain laptop dan hset.